Wannes Wets

Wannes Wets

Anna Cohen

Dra. Anna Cohen

Gustaaf Janssens

Professor Gustaaf Janssens

Antoine de Schryver

Antoine de Schryver (1924-2005) was a Belgian art historian and professor at Ghent University, where he lectured on medieval art. He was a specialist in the field of illuminated manuscripts and paintings of the Burgundian Netherlands. His documentation was donated to Illuminare in 2005. De Schryver left behind approximately 75 meters of research resources, including books,…

Corpus of Illuminated Manuscripts

The peer-reviewed series Corpus of Illuminated Manuscripts, published by Peeters, was founded by Illuminare in 1984. It welcomes monographs, edited volumes, proceedings and collection catalogues that deal with the history of medieval illuminated manuscripts in all its different facets.   1: B. Cardon, R. Lievens and M. Smeyers, Typological Scenes from the Life of Jesus. A Manuscript…

Published: “New Perspectives on Flemish Illuminations, Corpus of Illuminated Manuscripts 22”

This volume of essays aims to give an overview of the current state of the research and the new perspectives it offers. Under the joint leadership of the Manuscripts Department of Illuminare, the Study Centre for Medieval Art at the University of Leuven, the Royal Library of Belgium and the Royal Institute for cultural Heritage this publication collects a series of studies that reflect the richness and artistic interactions in this unique period.

Lieve Watteeuw


Professor Lieve Watteeuw