Exhibition catalogues

                  Illuminare – Centre for Medieval and Renaissance Art (KU Leuven) has organized various exhibitions both in Belgium and abroad. Amongst the most recent are In Search of Utopia (2016, M – Museum Leuven), Hieronymus Cock – The Renaissance in Print (2013, M – Museum Leuven / Fondation Custodia, Paris), The Magnificent Middle…

Wannes Wets

Wannes Wets


Iconology is a two-faced beast. To students, it is often presented as a functional subordinate to art history. In the practice of research, it transgresses the borders of its discipline and can devour whole universes of images. Indeed, iconology, as envisioned by Aby Warburg, is supposed to study images produced inside and outside the realm of…

Martha Verleyen

Martha Verleyen

Vernissage: Salon Radical “BLAUW”

Op 19 oktober om 18.30 u vindt de vernissage van “Blauw-teken van de nacht” plaats in Salon Radical te Kortrijk.

Deze experimentele tentoonstelling toont een collectie Tunesisch textiel van Paul Vandenbroeck, schilderijen van Koen Broucke, linografieën van Linda Vinck en tekeningen van P.S. Vermeersch